This project was a school project. I wrote it while I was also working on the Genshin Quiz app. It originally had the same functionality as the genshin app. However, I figured that radio buttons were not an option for this assignment, since in the Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer (OCA) exam, there are sometimes more than 1 correct answer. Therefore I had to change everything to checkboxes last minute. To be fair this is not best practice, and it is even less best practice to not change all the initialised variables to something more appropriate than the “rb1”.
Another difference is the way the score is calculated. In the original exam the student needs to only select the right answers. If one answer is wrong, the score for the question is 0. Therefore I had to make some modifications to the OCA quiz app. Apart from adapting these functionalities, it is basically the same as the Genshin Quiz app. However, laziness got me in the end. I did not really go for the whole catalouge of questions available, but instead only coded some example ones. It still took me a while to create it and I hope it can be useful in one way or another. I learned a lot building this.
If you’re interested in the GitHub Project, you can check it out here: